March 2016

I'm a Real Boy
I’m a Real Boy
Sometimes I feel like Pinocchio when he proclaims, "I'm a real boy." I need men, so that I might become a man myself.
How I Failed My Gay Brother: Publicly Outed
How I Failed My Gay Brother: Publicly Outed
My gay brother was publicly outed in a very painful way. He was thrown out of the group and his homosexual sins were revealed to hundreds of members.
The Man I Hate the Most
The Man I Hate the Most
I hate myself more than anybody could imagine. I hate my body. I hate my personality. I hate my strengths and weaknesses. I completely fake it to the world.
Jesus Loves Homosexuals
Jesus Loves Homosexuals
Jesus Loves Homosexuals affects us all differently, but I hold this subject dear to my heart because I'm gay, or I struggle with same-sex attractions.
When Sex Goes Wrong
When Sex Goes Wrong
Before I was even dating or at all interested in my wife, I had sex with another man. I have regretted this decision every day of my life since.
Why I'm Afraid to Take Off My Shirt
Why I’m Afraid to Take Off My Shirt
Somewhere around seventh grade, I told my family I hated swimming. The real reason was just too silly and shameful. I hated having to take off my shirt.
How I Failed My Gay Brother: The Booty Call
How I Failed My Gay Brother: The Booty Call
I had just intercepted a "booty call" meant for my brother! There was absolutely no doubt now that Brad was having sex with other guys. What to do?
My Man-Date With a Leader
My Man-Date With A Great Leader
This guy, this leader didn't care about my past, because he saw my potential to become a better Christian, a godly man.
How I Failed My Gay Brother
How I Failed My Gay Brother
I pretended everything was normal with my gay brother and acted like I didn't notice his sexuality. I didn't want to deal with any trouble.
A Great Friendship Turns Into the Dating Game
A Great Friendship Turns Into the Dating Game
I had never really liked a girl like this. I had attempted dating girls before...but this time, I was seriously head over heels for this girl.