
My Passion Comes from Pain
My Passion Comes from Pain
I know what it's like to hurt, to have nowhere to go. This is why I keep ministering to people who need to hear that Jesus loves them.
The Futile Fantasy of Straight-Baiting
The Futile Fantasy of Straight-Baiting
"Straight-baiting" has always fascinated me: the act of tricking a heterosexual individual to engage in homosexual activities.
I've Never Wanted to Have Sex with Another Man
I’ve Never Wanted to Have Sex with Another Man
I don't want sex with another man like I don't want sex with a woman. And most days I just need someone to tell me that's okay.
I Know I'm a Hypocrite
I Know I’m A Hypocrite
I know I'm a hypocrite, yet I embrace that term and the things it entails because it shows that God can use me despite my flaws.
Why I Need a Community
Why I Need a Community
That's why you need a community. Whatever hurt you experience, you have people who can carry you on your path to recovery.
I Crashed and Burned
I Crashed and Burned
After going through all the crap my church threw at me, however, my love of the Lord lessened and my love of sex grew again. I crashed and burned.
Keeping Healthy Boundaries with Another SSA Guy
Keeping Healthy Boundaries with Another SSA Guy
We were always careful to keep appropriate, healthy boundaries even though we knew we were not sexually attracted to each other. I think we were just cautious of others gossiping if we appeared to be too close. Unfortunately, churches like ours are especially prone to gossip about SSA guys.
Being There for the Straight Guy
Being There for the Straight Guy
I spent a lot of time hugging him and encouraging him as he recovered. It felt so good to be a blessing to my straight guy friend in his time of need.
Looking for a "Generous" Guy
Looking for a “Generous” Guy
While searching for guys to hook up with, I noticed an ad saying: Looking for a Generous Guy -- basically, asking for money in exchange of sex.
Can I Really Never Masturbate Again?
Can I Really Never Masturbate Again?
I am in recovery. And like the alcoholic with a beer or a drug addict with a joint, I cannot expect to masturbate every now and then and beat this addiction.