YOU GUYS. IT’S OUR FIRST YOBIVERSARY. Today, Your Other Brothers turns 1 year old!

Shh, nobody tell YOB about the puberty years. We’ve still got at least another decade to stifle that awkward conversation.

But seriously, what a year it’s been since our first post. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve started a podcast, we’ve launched a Patreon community, and we’re still just getting started.

As we celebrate one year of e-existence, I’m often talking with my other brothers about how we can continue to grow and build this . . . thing. This community. This movement.

This brotherhood.

Without you — the reader, the listener, the follower and fellow brother — we wouldn’t be here a year later.

Without your faithful Patreon support, we couldn’t grow as we’ve grown in recent months especially: paying for domains, hosting, microphones, and such.

But we’ve also grown by connecting with so many of you via Facebook and Skype, making our e-existence feel like something so much . . . more.

We’re humbled so many of y’all have decided to stick with us all these weeks and months later, supporting us emotionally and spiritually and even financially, as well.

We love our YOBBERS. I always love hearing from new folks who join our fold. You can email me or any of my fellow authors anytime. Thanks to each of you for being part of this . . . thing. This story of us.

It’s a story that’s still being told: one email, one post, one podcast, one video, one group Skype call, one year at a time.

Happy YOBiversary! Here’s to many more — the puberty years and beyond.

How long have you been following YOB? How did you first find YOB? Have any favorite YOB posts, podcasts, or memories to share? If you’re new to YOB, say hello in the comments below! And if you’d like to join our Patreon community, click here for more info!

About the Author

  • Terrific I say! As someone who is new here, I am so blessed and encouraged by reading posts and learning as we travel along life’s path. You all do a fantastic job and I want to thank you for all your efforts and labor of love to serve the Lord and others. To me, YOB is such a peaceful, healing place to come and share openly about what we experience.
    I may never get to meet you in person here on earth, but I can look forward to a day when that will be possible in our heavenly home.
    Godspeed to you and YOB and again, a heartfelt thank you for being a source of joy and comfort and knowing I am not alone.

  • Well, I’ve been here since the beginning. I saw a link that Tom shared in a group and ended up here. I remember that at first I didn’t actually read every entry cause they were every day, what got me hooked and coming back was Eliot’s story

  • I found YOB less than 2 weeks ago after seeing Elliott’s video on YouTube. Since then, I’ve been enjoying reading blogs here on a daily basis. I’m amazed that there are other committed Christians who have the same struggles that I have, same thought processes, thoughts, and behaviors. Open sharing is so helpful to teach each other that we are not alone. I really liked Elliott’s story, and the blogs about male friendships.

  • Congrats guys! I’m so happy I found this site and the wonderful patreon community. It has been very healing for me. Here’s to many more years of YOB!

  • Hey guys, congrats on the 1st year and how much it’s grown. . . how much I’ve grown being here, being encouraged. There’s too many great posts, can’t remember just one. But it’s not the posts that I remember most, it’s you guys and what comes thru you. The good heartedness of Tom, Kevin’s articulate and challenging thoughts, Elliot’s spirit of always going on, the peace that radiates from Marshall, Dean’s heart of longing, Matthew’s irrepressible spirit. All you YOB guys have blessed me along with those who leave incredibly heartfelt comments. Thanks all.

  • I want to say that it’s not just the readers who have been blessed by YOB, but the authors have, too, I believe. I know I have. This group and this blog have given me a place to work things out rather than keeping them all in my head or private in my journal. I am glad I’ve found a community and an outlet where I can be myself and talk about things that are on my heart. I love all you guys!!!

  • Many congratulations – I am but one of many who has been really encouraged, blessed, challenged, and ultimately built up through this community.

  • I have been following YOB since around June/July 2016. It all started when I came across an FB link to Kevin’s post regarding the “new Christian male identity.” Of course being late to this “party” I had to backtrack all the blog’s postings and read everything from the beginning. I was overwhelmingly happy and relieved to find a community who get me and my struggles. Being such an academic and obsessive compulsive writer, I endeavoured to relay my own personal life and experiences to the YOB community. The postings that resonated with me were wanting a big brother, desexualizing male friends and I believe Elliott’s Chapter 11? in finding SSA friends. Tom and Elliott wanted to know from me and others as to where YOB can go from here. This is difficult to answer because this seems to be all new territory from my perspective. At best we suggested, YOB could have a retreat/meetup for its readers, I suppose. We’ll see what 2017 offers. Many more years to come.

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