Hello friends! You may have noticed a lack of production on the blog lately.
Don’t worry. We haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. We’re simply taking these couple weeks to hit the reset button as a new year descends upon us.
We’ll be back in 2020 with more regular blogs, podcasts, and video content. Along with some changes, perhaps!
Fun changes, of course.
Thanks for your readership, listenership, and viewership in 2019, and for supporting this work and community of Your Other Brothers. If you wish to support us further, consider pledging $5/month on Patreon. It really does go a long way!
We’d love to have you aboard.
Much love to you all this holiday season. Happy new year and happy new decade!
Happy New Year fellow YOBbers!
God may bless you all!
Yes, happy new year to you too! And all others as well!
Thanks for that verse…happy new year!