To start this blog, we must reach back to a hallowed antiquity: the days when Netflix movies arrived by mail. One day while walking with my dad, he said, “I saw the Netflix notification about which movies are coming. I don’t like the movie you just rented.”

“Which movie?” I asked.

“The one that’s rated R with Johnny Depp playing a crossdresser. Why did you pick that one?”

The controversial movie in question was Ed Wood, starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton.  Frankly, when I rented it I had no idea about the crossdressing bit. I was on a Tim Burton binge and saw he had made a biopic about a man named Edward D. Wood Jr. — legendary director of the worst movies of all-time.

When the DVD arrived, I looked at the synopsis on the sleeve, and sure enough it mentioned crossdressing. The movie was rated R, but only for language. As far as my dad was concerned, though, an R-rated movie with crossdressing probably had gratuitous sex orgies.

Still, he didn’t stop me from watching it.

I’m glad he didn’t, because Ed Wood became one of my favorite movies of all-time. Not only that, I think it may have been a catalyst for helping me come to terms with my sexuality.

So, what happens in the movie? In the 1950s, a young movie director named Ed Wood (Johnny Depp) tries to break his way onto the Hollywood scene. He has the passion, but he makes his movies super cheaply, only shooting his scenes once, even if glaring errors like cardboard tombstones are falling over and visible.

Along the way, Wood befriends aging and washed up Dracula star, Bela Lugosi (Martin Landau in an Oscar-winning performance). Wood was a fan of Lugosi and wanted to help him out by having him star in his terrible movies.

So, we see Ed and his zany crew doing all sorts of outrageous things to get his movies made: stealing props, losing actors, losing money, and getting baptized by Baptists to acquire necessary funding, all while working around Lugosi’s spiraling morphine addiction.

It’s an inspiring movie. Ed Wood believes in the visions for his movies so much that he fights to get them made at any cost.

And oh yeah . . . there’s also that crossdressing thing.

Yes, both in real life and in the movie’s depiction, Ed Wood crossdressed. He wasn’t transgender; he was a heterosexual man with two girlfriends throughout the movie. He plainly explains to one:

“My mom wanted a girl, so she dressed me in girly clothing. Just became a habit.”

Wood takes his own story and wants to make a movie about it — creating Glen or Glenda. Initially, this film was going to be a biopic of Christine Jorgensen, the first person to have a publicly known sex-change.

Instead, Wood turns the biopic into a semi-autobiographical story about a man that he plays himself, going through the agonizing drama of wanting to indulge his crossdressing desires while also worrying how his fiancée and society will judge him.

To get this movie made, Wood consults the guy in charge of a schlocky movie studio — including coming out to him about his crossdressing. Something which he feels makes him particularly qualified to make the movie.

Warning: there is some language in this clipSays Wood:

“I know what it’s like to live with a secret and worry about what people will make of it.”

My teenage self saw a lot of me in the character of Ed Wood. I’ve always been a big movie buff with a passion for creativity and making things; part of me has always hoped to be a filmmaker. I may not have ever wanted to crossdress like Ed, but I still held my own big secret with homosexuality.

Now, Wood had no moral or biblical qualms with his secret like I did with mine. But I identified with this concept of struggling with a secret which society considers taboo.

Ed eventually gets the go-ahead to make the movie about his life; he then needs to have his big crossdressing coming out to his fiancée.

Yeah . . . it doesn’t go particularly well for Ed. This scene sorta terrified me on a subliminal level.

Would my parents have a similar outrage if they ever discovered my own secret side? Even though at the time, I’d hoped never to have such a conversation with my parents.

Wood casts Bela Lugosi in Glen or Glenda, and when Lugosi asks him about the kind of picture he’s making, Ed dances around the crossdressing and responds, “Well, it’s about how people have two personalities: the side they show to the world and the secret person they hide inside.”

“Like Jekyll and Hyde?” Lugosi asks. “I’ve always wanted to play Jekyll and Hyde.”

This, of course, is a theme to which anyone can relate. It definitely had me squirming as a teenager. I was going to high school, trying to act like all the other boys as much as possible, even joining in with their homophobic slurs . . . only to come home and look at photos of men online.

It felt very much like a Jekyll and Hyde scenario.

But the film isn’t all about crossdressing. Brotherhood also works its way into the movie.

In the DVD commentary, Martin Landau (Lugosi) talks about his character’s relationship with Ed:

“These were two desperate people who join up because they need each other. Actually, there’s this affinity that grows. I always thought of it as a male love story, you know? Not a homosexual story. Two guys who can depend on each other when push comes to shove, and that kind of stuff.”

I love that. We definitely need more male love stories in cinema. True to form, Wood does take care of Lugosi. He helps him financially by casting him in his films, talks him out of suicide, and helps him with his morphine addiction by checking him into a rehab center. Their bond truly is the emotional heart of the film.

So yes, I highly recommend Ed Wood. It’s Tim Burton and Johnny Depp at their very best. It made an impact on me at a young age, not just because I related to the narrative with my hidden sexuality, but because it’s also an inspiring story about pursuing your dreams.

The film doesn’t lecture you on crossdressing; it just presents the story as it happened in real life, leaving you to judge for yourself.

Ed Wood helped me realize that others also secretly deal with taboo things. In Ed’s case, he utilized it to create art — really bad art, but he still created something. His movies are now celebrated for their badness and have lasted through the ages.

What are your thoughts on Ed Wood if you’ve seen the film? Have you experienced any connections with taboo secrets and characters in movies, television, or books?

About the Author

  • Ed Wood’s stuff was truly awful. It’s why we watch it. I would say the same thing about John Waters films. Your blog post made me recall certain embarrassing moments in my life that were captured on film. One of them is a black and white polaroid of me dressed in my Grandma’s older clothes, complete with hat. I couldn’t have been more than six years old. I was with some female cousins in the pic, also dressed up. I was told shortly after that, that I might not want to do that anymore. The other boys would beat me up. And that’s probably true given the times back then, but as it turned out, there were plenty of other reasons to bully me. I can tell you this. I haven’t cross-dressed since that time.

    But to your original subject, it is good to have friends that have your back, no matter what. I’ve always had at least one on hand since high school. Right now, I have several. It really helps with my sanity. We all need someone like that.

    • Thank you Sergei! I can actually remember a time long time ago where I really liked Glenn Close in the live action 101 Dalmatians movie. So I sorta wanted to dress up like her as Cruella. My Mom helped me a bit and she thought it was hilarious but Dad didn’t care for it much. Also that’s fantastic you have a friend like that. What a blessing! Wish I had one like that.

  • Trust Johnny Depp to be the crossdresser lol. I’ve never seen the movie but sounds nuts in a good way. I wish you well in your new endeavour. I’m starting a blog of my own soon.

  • Not being a movie buff, I’d never heard of this guy, his movies, or his story. Definitely intrigued by it all! I’d be curious to check out this movie some time. I’ve always been fascinated by straight guys and crossdressing and the links between me and my own kinks. I know if I’d seen this movie in my formative years it would have had an impact on me like it did you, Eugene. Thanks for sharing this lens into your life!

    • Thank you, Tom! Yeah stories like Ed’s show just how complex the areas of gender and sexuality can be. So much more all over the place than you would think. But yeah if we have another bloggers retreat we should definitely pop this movie in!

  • I haven’t heard of this movie (or Ed Wood), but you’ve convinced me to watch it. Seems quite interesting, and I can see why it made an impact! I love the way you used this film to help us understand more about your life and journey. Great stuff.

  • Happy Easter Eugene, & to everyone! It’s impressive that you can track so close with the story in the movie and get that much good out of it. I haven’t heard of the movie or guy either and I can’t remember many movie characters whose stories had that effect. I like movies that make me laugh or even cry, there’s something cathartic in that, but I wouldn’t wanna watch something close to home that’s painful. But I love really bad movies, the kind that don’t know they’re really bad. My newest favorite is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. The kids on Mars are depressed so they kidnap Santa & 2 earth kids and Santa conquers thru bringing the joy of Christmas. Everything about the movie is everything that makes bad movies so much fun. Someone put the whole thing up on YouTube, check it out for some laughs

  • My HS friends and I would gather late at night several times a year and howl with laughter at the ridiculous scenes in Plan 9. Being a fan of both Depp and Burton, I was happy to see their take on Ed Wood. But you pointed out something wondeful that escaped me, Eugene. I was caught up in all the marvelous eccentricities and missed that special brotherhood between Ed and Bela. Thanks for emphasizing that. I have identified with many odd characters and their secrets over the years. One of the strongest was with the quiet, gay bookseller in the excellent novel, Sophia House, who saves a young Jewish boy from the Nazis.

  • I actually have a couple story ideas that involve characters with “taboo” secrets… I have yet to sit down and write any of them, but I immediately got a vision of a scene I now know must be in one of them while reading your post, so I want to thank you for the inspiration.

    I have trouble sometimes about making things about “right vs. wrong,” “good vs. bad,” and forcing my brain to accept extremes. But God made us so much more nuanced than that. To lose that nuance is to lose our compassion. I don’t need to shove things into mental boxes; I’ll just trap myself. I have this issue alot with liking shows and stories and characters, feeling like I have to feel bad for enjoying them. So it’s good to read a post like this.

    I’ve never seen this movie before, but you had a really beautiful take on it. It’s very human in a relatable way. Male love, making art out of our weirdnesses… it’s given me some things to think about today.

  • Movie critic Gene Siskel in his review of “Ed Wood” stated that it should be required viewing in every film school. Because it shows a man with such a passion for making movies, despite all the roadblocks put in his way. It’s an inspiring movie, as you point out, about sticking to your dreams and following your passions in life.

    There’s one scene in the movie, where a high-ranking studio executive at Universal Studios mocks Ed’s movies. “The worst movie I ever saw”, he declares. And a basically writes-off Ed Wood as a “nobody”.

    Yet here we are in the 2020’s. And Ed Wood is more popular and famous than ever.

    Who remembers the head of studio production at Universal in the late 1950s?

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