Newcomer to the podcast but not to our community, longtime member Matt shares about his life in a celibate partnership with another man. He talks about splitting time in two locations to be close to his parents as well as his partner, with whom he co-owns a house. He shares openly how there was never any sort of road map to this particular kind of “Side B” journey, connecting with some other celibate couples over time. Matt shares the joys of hospitality with his partner, as well as some of the challenges of celibate partnership — namely, translating the essence of his relationship to certain audiences, including secular friends and the workplace. Matt also shares his journey of becoming Eastern Catholic, finding a home in his faith amid his celibate partnership.
Are you in a celibate partnership? What are the joys and challenges of your relationship as you follow Jesus through it? Are you drawn to the notion of celibate partnership, or do you have questions, even fears about entering such a relationship that honors God?
Such a wonderful Christian witness! Thank you, Matt, for your story.
Thanks for listening, Ed!
Thank you, Matt and Tom, for an excellent episode. I was particularly impressed with Matt’s willingness to engage even with those who openly disagree with the way that has chosen to live out a celibate life fruitfully in a celibate partnership. Matt, you came across as confident in our Lord, gracious and kind.
I wonder whether either of you are aware of a paper on celibate partnerships and friendships which Side B author Greg Coles produced for the Centre for Faith, Sexuality and Gender around 2022? He identifies 14 different modes of relationship which could come under the celibate partnership heading. It is long but worth reading. I don’t think it is meant to be the last word on this subject… Here is the link:
Best wishes
Ian UK