
Hey y'all! Just an SSA, full-blooded Native American, ESTJ, Enneagram 8 here. I'm a very blunt person but know when people can't handle the whole truth. My job here is to tell you guys my story which is set up like a typical coffee shop, one-on-one talk. I'm here to challenge the way you think and encourage you spiritually. Hope you guys are ready!
My Passion Comes from Pain
My Passion Comes from Pain
I know what it's like to hurt, to have nowhere to go. This is why I keep ministering to people who need to hear that Jesus loves them.
I Know I'm a Hypocrite
I Know I’m A Hypocrite
I know I'm a hypocrite, yet I embrace that term and the things it entails because it shows that God can use me despite my flaws.
6 Reasons You Need a Community
6 Reasons You Need a Community
I pondered this question: why is it important to be in a community? While being part of a small group, I picked up 6 reasons why you need a community.
Why I Need a Community
Why I Need a Community
That's why you need a community. Whatever hurt you experience, you have people who can carry you on your path to recovery.
I Crashed and Burned
I Crashed and Burned
After going through all the crap my church threw at me, however, my love of the Lord lessened and my love of sex grew again. I crashed and burned.
The Day I Left my Church
The Day I Left My Church
I did my best not to break down, but I could feel the tears falling down my face. I sucked it up, took a deep breath, and walked out of the church.
On Being Banned from Youth Ministry
Banned from Youth Ministry
I was told I couldn't serve in various areas of ministry, including the youth ministry and being around the younger children at the church.
Why I Can't be a Church Leader
Why I Can’t be a Church Leader
Before I applied for SOM, some friends were talking to me about becoming a Bible study leader. I grew thrilled at the idea of leading and serving there.
How I Was Hurt By My Church
How I Was Hurt By My Church
I love attending my church and uphold them to the highest regard. Unfortunately, I was hurt by my church -- and this is my story.
The One Thing that Unites Us
The One Thing That Unites Us
If it weren't for Jesus, it would just be some hangout weekend with a bunch of gay guys. I think of the term #SquadGoals for our group.