
Hey y'all! Just an SSA, full-blooded Native American, ESTJ, Enneagram 8 here. I'm a very blunt person but know when people can't handle the whole truth. My job here is to tell you guys my story which is set up like a typical coffee shop, one-on-one talk. I'm here to challenge the way you think and encourage you spiritually. Hope you guys are ready!
Why I Don't Call Myself a Gay Christian
Why I Don’t Call Myself A Gay Christian
Should I accept my sexuality and call myself gay? And if I do, should I shun my Christian beliefs or somehow still be a devout Christian? A gay Christian?
Road Trip with My Bro
Road Trip with my Bro
While on the road trip, a lot of things were going through my mind. My friend would be seeing both the good and the bad stuff of where I was brought up.
Christian Adventures at Gay Pride
Christian Adventures at Gay Pride
Leading up Gay Pride, we were in prayer and in the Word, asking God to give us love for the LGBT people and words of wisdom.
Looking for a "Generous" Guy
Looking for a “Generous” Guy
While searching for guys to hook up with, I noticed an ad saying: Looking for a Generous Guy -- basically, asking for money in exchange of sex.
It's Okay for Christians to Have Gay Friends
It’s Okay for Christians to Have Gay Friends
I do have gay friends, though I really don't view them as my gay friends. I just call them my friends. They're as important to me as my Christian friends.
Straight Edge in a Gay World
Straight Edge In A Gay World
I fit into that category, what the young people here call straight edge. So, why do I abstain from any alcohol or drug use?
I'm Not Sorry for My Horrible Start with Jesus
I’m Not Sorry for My Horrible Start with Jesus
Not everyone is going to have this perfect story after they've come to Christ, where it ran smoothly from then on. Not for me, it didn't.
Never Guilty About My Hookups
Never Guilty About All My Hookups
You might be wondering, "Did you ever feel any guilt or shame about having sex with all these guys, all these hookups?" Honestly, I never did!
Why I Like to Look Good
Why I Like to Look Good
I hated the way I looked! I was a skinny, fearful, awkward, shy person who wished I could look good like the athletic, muscular, confident guys.
Jesus Loves Homosexuals
Jesus Loves Homosexuals
Jesus Loves Homosexuals affects us all differently, but I hold this subject dear to my heart because I'm gay, or I struggle with same-sex attractions.