Hey y'all! Just an SSA, full-blooded Native American, ESTJ, Enneagram 8 here. I'm a very blunt person but know when people can't handle the whole truth. My job here is to tell you guys my story which is set up like a typical coffee shop, one-on-one talk. I'm here to challenge the way you think and encourage you spiritually. Hope you guys are ready!
Don't ever pity me or my story. I WANT to do this! I'm always excited to write something new for you guys, even if it's one of the uglier parts of my life.
I loved sex so much and didn't want to stop because I found out I could do it. Once I did had sex and knew I could do it anytime I wanted, I took advantage.
I’m a work in progress! Everyone is a work in progress, and that’s how life is. Slowly, but surely, we all strive to be what the Christian community calls holy!