
Hey y'all! Just an SSA, full-blooded Native American, ESTJ, Enneagram 8 here. I'm a very blunt person but know when people can't handle the whole truth. My job here is to tell you guys my story which is set up like a typical coffee shop, one-on-one talk. I'm here to challenge the way you think and encourage you spiritually. Hope you guys are ready!
My Man-Date With a Leader
My Man-Date With A Great Leader
This guy, this leader didn't care about my past, because he saw my potential to become a better Christian, a godly man.
Please, Don't Pity My Story
Please, Don’t Pity My Story
Don't ever pity me or my story. I WANT to do this! I'm always excited to write something new for you guys, even if it's one of the uglier parts of my life.
The Reason Why I Love Sex
The Reason Why I Love Sex
I loved sex so much and didn't want to stop because I found out I could do it. Once I did had sex and knew I could do it anytime I wanted, I took advantage.
Guys' Night!
Guys’ Night!
Since my college-age Bible study ended last year, the guys in my small group decided to do something different one Thursday night — a Guys' Night.
A Native American with Same-Sex Attraction
A Native American with Same-Sex Attraction
For a Native American who is struggling with same-sex attraction (SSA) or views himself as gay, it's kind of hard to fit into this family dynamic.
Goodbye, Old Friend…
Goodbye, Old Friend…
Because of this small step, I would be able to be more open to other people in the future, telling them about my struggle with my sexuality.
To Be or Not to Be Honest?
To Be or Not to Be Honest?
I’m a work in progress! Everyone is a work in progress, and that’s how life is. Slowly, but surely, we all strive to be what the Christian community calls holy!