
I'm YOB's cofounder and editor, and I also host our two podcasts. I've written a couple books as Thomas Mark Zuniga, including a 2013 memoir in which I first came out. Once upon another universe I anonymously blogged about my faith and sexuality under the Xanga username, twoBeckonings. I'm an INFJ, Enneagram 4w5, and my spirit animal is the buffalo. I love to travel, and my favorite place in the world is the one where coffee and vulnerability meet. When I'm not wandering, I live in Asheville, North Carolina – the Jewel of the Blue Ridge.
A Good Little Christian Boy Goes to Sexaholics Anonymous
A Good Little Christian Boy Goes to Sexaholics Anonymous
Sexaholics Anonymous fits perfectly into my life now. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, only that you have a desire to stop lusting.
What is an addict?
What is an Addict?
Today marks a special and pivotal turning point here at Your Other Brothers. For the last four-plus months, we've been bringing you four blog posts a week from me and my same-sex attracted brothers the world over. We've seen incremental site growth from week to week and month to month, and lately it's starting to feel like a family in here. I couldn't be more pleased with the last four-plus months. I speak on behalf of all my other brothers when I say thank you for joining us on this strange new journey. With every passing month, it feels less and less strange. Today is special, because it brings to life a vision planted at the start: a new medium to broadcast our stories. The written word is great -- I personally adore blogging -- but sometimes, the written word can only go so far. Here at YOB, we want to share our stories however we...
5 Times I've Felt Like a Man
5 Times I’ve Felt Like a Man
So often I lament my lifelong disconnect from the male species and my own innate lack of manhood, I tend to neglect or even forget the numerous times I have felt like a man.
Why I'm Afraid to Take Off My Shirt
Why I’m Afraid to Take Off My Shirt
Somewhere around seventh grade, I told my family I hated swimming. The real reason was just too silly and shameful. I hated having to take off my shirt.
Who's in Your Deep Dark Secret Club?
Who’s in Your Deep Dark Secret Club?
Back when I was blogging anonymously about same-sex attraction and other struggles, I coined my own term: my Deep Dark Secret Club. They knew everything.
I've Always Wanted a Big Brother
I’ve Always Wanted a Big Brother
My whole life I've wanted the love of a big brother. I've always wanted to press into someone bigger than me, someone stronger, someone wiser. A big brother to hold me, a big brother to comfort me, a big brother to tell me everything will be okay because he's right there and he's not going to let me go.
I Don’t Want More Same-Sex Attracted Friends
I'd had enough of life with only these types of strong male friendships while the other types of male friendships went severely lacking. Couldn't I just have "normal" heterosexual guy friends?
Torn Between Two Beckonings
Torn Between Two Beckonings
Without the past, we have no future. We either let the past keep us in chains, or the past props us up, prods us forward, pushes us to greater heights.
Christians Struggling With Homosexuality
Christians Struggling With Homosexuality
In 2008 I entered a desperate Google search: "Christians struggling with homosexuality." Finding that Xanga blogring community changed my life forever.