Our most discussed posts over the years. It’s never too late to add to the discussion!

My Straight Friend Won't Touch Me
My Straight Friend Won’t Touch Me
He was never physically affectionate; we’d never even hugged. I wanted to touch him not out of a sexual desire but from a longing to connect with him as love with a brother. I dreamed of a day when we could embrace and confess our brotherly love for each other. I put my hand on his shoulder once. He brushed it off.
The First Guy Who Ever Tried to Kiss Me
The First Guy Who Ever Tried to Kiss Me
I've written before about having never been kissed. But that doesn't mean someone's never tried to kiss me.
I Only Watch Soft-Core Pornography
I Only Watch Soft-Core Pornography
I never sought out pornography; it found me. With technology these days, it was practically inevitable. It all started with soft-core pornography.
When I Moved in with a Guy
When I Moved in with a Guy
When my gay brother received his booty call one night, I decided I had to move out. It was then that a guy named Brandon invited me to come live with him.
What Every SSA Guy Needs
What Every SSA Guy Needs
We all need friendships with people of the same gender and the opposite. We all need friends who are OSA, SSA, or anywhere else on the sexuality spectrum.
When I Discovered the Korean Spa
When I Discovered the Korean Spa
The other guys told me about the Korean spa and how those experiences helped them. This sounded like something right down my alley.
When Should I Hug Another Guy?
When Should I Hug Another Guy?
Not all guys feel comfortable hugging another guy. So, when should I hug another guy, a male friend? The answer is different for each friend!
Best Friends with a Straight Guy
Best Friends with a Straight Guy
I was best friends with a straight guy. We could live together and share hugs and other brotherly affection without worrying about falling into sexual sin.
My Dad Knows I Watch Gay Porn
My father found out about my gay pornography use. He wanted to help me. And then my father never spoke to me about gay pornography use again.