
A YOB Content Update for 2025: We Need Storytellers
A YOB Content Update for 2025: We Need Storytellers
Do you feel any pull to share your story? I hope you'll prayerfully consider joining the YOB content team in 2025. We need more storytellers.
Your Other Sisters: Will it be a Thing?
Your Other Sisters: Will it be a Thing?
As shared on our most recent YOBcast, we are indeed exploring the possibility of birthing a literal sister site – Your Other Sisters. Like YOB, YOS would be a storytelling community of Jesus-followers committed to a traditional sexual ethic, just geared more toward women. A place to navigate matters of femininity along with faith and sexuality.
Oh What a YOBBERS Retreat!
Oh What a YOBBERS Retreat!
We've returned from our once-again-annual YOBBERS retreat, and oh what a time we had. Over forty of our Patreon supporters drove and flew from around the United States as we converged for a wonderful weekend of laughs, tears, and stories aplenty. We'll be sharing some of those retreat stories on our blog and podcast in the weeks to come.
YOB on Summer Break!
YOB on Summer Break!
It's the YOB days of summer, as they say. Normally we don't hold summer retreats, but 2020 (and 2021) have been anything but normal years. As such, because of our repeatedly rescheduled retreat next month, YOB will be taking a little summer break.
Support YOB with Our New STORE!
Support YOB with Our New STORE!
After 5+ years, we've finally launched a YOB store! Check out our "You Are Not Alone" diner mug, along with YOB stickers, a magnet, and Tom's first book. With more items to come!
And We’re Back! Welcome to the New YOB.
And We’re Back! Welcome to the New YOB.
After planning a digital retreat for our supporters, enjoying a few weeks of some holiday rest, and rebuilding our website with a new theme, we're finally ready to get back into a regular rhythm with our content! Thank you for your patience, dear readers and listeners.
A YOB Break Followed by a Whole New YOB!
A YOB Break Followed by a Whole New YOB!
If you're a regular YOB reader/listener, you may have noticed things growing a bit dark here lately with not as many blogs or podcasts being published or produced. We've hit the pause button beyond the holidays, preparing for what we hope will be a fantastic 2021: more regularity with blogs and podcasts, new authors and podcast voices, a new store page with YOB products, along with a brand new website!
YOB on Brief Hiatus as Tom Recuperates
YOB on Brief Hiatus as Tom Recuperates
You may have noticed our website hasn't had much activity lately in the form of blogs, podcasts, or videos. For those unaware our editor, Tom, has been experiencing significant health issues the last few weeks. He was recently hospitalized for a newly diagnosed autoimmune disease, and he is now pursuing specialist care.
YOB logo banner
We Have a Brand New Logo! (And Website.)
For the last year, our website has been in a state of transition. We're still tinkering with various pages and features, but the bulk of our third redesign in five years just happened with a brand new header, logo, and color scheme! A huge shout-out to Wesley Ayers for his hard work in designing our new look. As to the brand new header, here's what it all means...
We're on Holiday Hiatus!
We’re on Holiday Hiatus!
Don't worry. We haven't fallen off the face of the earth. We're simply taking these couple weeks to hit the reset button as a new year descends upon us. We'll be back in 2020 with more regular blogs, podcasts, and video content.