
I Know I'm a Hypocrite
I Know I’m A Hypocrite
I know I'm a hypocrite, yet I embrace that term and the things it entails because it shows that God can use me despite my flaws.
When Friendship Turns Unhealthy
When Friendship Turns Unhealthy
One day my friend came home and found me in deep emotional turmoil. He directly asked me what was wrong, so I tried to explain what I was feeling about him.
Why I Need a Community
Why I Need a Community
That's why you need a community. Whatever hurt you experience, you have people who can carry you on your path to recovery.
No Codependency This Thanksgiving
No Codependency This Thanksgiving
I absolutely refuse to fall into codependency again — especially with a coworker. With whom I share an office. It would have been a terrible situation.
I Crashed and Burned
I Crashed and Burned
After going through all the crap my church threw at me, however, my love of the Lord lessened and my love of sex grew again. I crashed and burned.
The Day I Left my Church
The Day I Left My Church
I did my best not to break down, but I could feel the tears falling down my face. I sucked it up, took a deep breath, and walked out of the church.
Why I Can't be a Church Leader
Why I Can’t be a Church Leader
Before I applied for SOM, some friends were talking to me about becoming a Bible study leader. I grew thrilled at the idea of leading and serving there.
I Still Don't Know Who I Am
I Still Don’t Know Who I Am
So, as it turns out, I still don't know who I am. And with two decades now under my belt, I have come to the conclusion that I don't know who I want to be.
Will She Still Marry Me?
Will She Still Marry me?
Before I could even think to ask my girlfriend to marry me, I was absolutely sure of another thing: I needed to confess to her that I was attracted to guys.
He Doesn't Want to be My Friend Anymore
He Doesn’t Want to be My Friend Anymore
He decided he didn't want to be my friend anymore. I'm not entirely sure who was more to blame, and this not knowing still plagues me.