
5 Times I've Felt Like a Man
5 Times I’ve Felt Like a Man
So often I lament my lifelong disconnect from the male species and my own innate lack of manhood, I tend to neglect or even forget the numerous times I have felt like a man.
How I Failed My Gay Brother: The Booty Call
How I Failed My Gay Brother: The Booty Call
I had just intercepted a "booty call" meant for my brother! There was absolutely no doubt now that Brad was having sex with other guys. What to do?
My Man-Date With a Leader
My Man-Date With A Great Leader
This guy, this leader didn't care about my past, because he saw my potential to become a better Christian, a godly man.
Learning to Worship God, not Guys
Learning to Worship God, Not Guys
I got more involved in a small group as others would worship God. There was an amazing sense of community. I knew I was not alone in my Christian life!
Guys' Night!
Guys’ Night!
Since my college-age Bible study ended last year, the guys in my small group decided to do something different one Thursday night — a Guys' Night.
I Don’t Want More Same-Sex Attracted Friends
I'd had enough of life with only these types of strong male friendships while the other types of male friendships went severely lacking. Couldn't I just have "normal" heterosexual guy friends?
My Best Friend for Never
My Best Friend For Never
Looking back, I still wonder: what happened that caused John to go from "best friend" to "somebody that I used to know"? It seemed instantaneous.
Who I Am is Okay
Who I Am is Okay
I longed to be someone else. To not have to carry the burden of different. It was so heavy. I soon began to pursue perfection. Not because I wanted to, but because it was demanded of me.
Supernatural Brothers
The Relationship I’ve Always Wanted
I have wanted nothing more than a guy who would give everything to show his love for me. And this desire has warped my life in more ways than I could ever describe.
Christians Struggling With Homosexuality
Christians Struggling With Homosexuality
In 2008 I entered a desperate Google search: "Christians struggling with homosexuality." Finding that Xanga blogring community changed my life forever.