coming out

My Greatest Fear in Coming Out
My Greatest Fear in Coming Out
Sometimes it’s as if "coming out" and getting rid of the wall between my same-sex attractions and the rest of me will somehow make my sexuality more real.
Overcoming My Fear of Coming Out
Overcoming My Fear of Coming Out
I still get tense and nervous and start shaking just thinking about coming out again. Some days it's better; other days it's not.
When Friendship Turns Unhealthy
When Friendship Turns Unhealthy
One day my friend came home and found me in deep emotional turmoil. He directly asked me what was wrong, so I tried to explain what I was feeling about him.
My Church Accepts Me
My Church Accepts Me
My church has accepted me for who I am and who God is making me into. And they are willing to walk with me down this road, whatever it looks like.
Losing My Sexual Sobriety
Losing My Sexual Sobriety
I lost my sexual sobriety because I went in search of shortcuts to intimacy with other men. I knew it wouldn't satisfy. Just like all the other times.
Will She Still Marry Me?
Will She Still Marry me?
Before I could even think to ask my girlfriend to marry me, I was absolutely sure of another thing: I needed to confess to her that I was attracted to guys.
How to Tell a Guy You Love Him
How to Tell a Guy You Love Him
It just seems we forget to say it or are embarrassed to say it or maybe sometimes I'm just not "man enough" to say it: I love you.
When a Rock Star Comes Out Gay Christian
When a Rock Star Comes Out Gay Christian
A fascinating conversation about Trey Pearson, his coming out, and what it means to struggle with homosexuality or be a "gay Christian" in today's culture.
Joy After Gay Sex
Joy After Gay Sex
I told my best friend that I had literally just come from gay sex in another man's bed. I'd found him on the Internet, then regretted it. I needed support.
How I Failed My Gay Brother: Publicly Outed
How I Failed My Gay Brother: Publicly Outed
My gay brother was publicly outed in a very painful way. He was thrown out of the group and his homosexual sins were revealed to hundreds of members.