
Best Man at My Ex-Girlfriend's Wedding
Best Man at My Ex-Girlfriend’s Wedding
He knew he would not have met her if it hadn't been for me, and he still considered me his best friend. I gladly said yes to being his best man.
Did My Best Friend Betray Me?
Did My Best Friend Betray Me?
My former girlfriend dumped me and was now with my best male friend. Had I been betrayed by both of them?
Road Trip with My Bro
Road Trip with my Bro
While on the road trip, a lot of things were going through my mind. My friend would be seeing both the good and the bad stuff of where I was brought up.
Will She Still Marry Me?
Will She Still Marry me?
Before I could even think to ask my girlfriend to marry me, I was absolutely sure of another thing: I needed to confess to her that I was attracted to guys.
How to Tell a Guy You Love Him
How to Tell a Guy You Love Him
It just seems we forget to say it or are embarrassed to say it or maybe sometimes I'm just not "man enough" to say it: I love you.
Dating a Girl but Attracted to Guys
Dating a Girl but Attracted to Guys
I would look and feel more "normal" if married. I would definitely fit into the Christian world better. So, I decided to try out dating a girl.
Being There for the Straight Guy
Being There for the Straight Guy
I spent a lot of time hugging him and encouraging him as he recovered. It felt so good to be a blessing to my straight guy friend in his time of need.
When I Moved in with a Guy
When I Moved in with a Guy
When my gay brother received his booty call one night, I decided I had to move out. It was then that a guy named Brandon invited me to come live with him.
It's Okay for Christians to Have Gay Friends
It’s Okay for Christians to Have Gay Friends
I do have gay friends, though I really don't view them as my gay friends. I just call them my friends. They're as important to me as my Christian friends.
Which Kind of Brother Do I Want?
Which Kind of Brother Do I Want?
Do I want to have a brother I care about that much that I will declare putting him above all else? Or do I want to have a brother saying those words to me?