
What is an addict?
What is an Addict?
Today marks a special and pivotal turning point here at Your Other Brothers. For the last four-plus months, we've been bringing you four blog posts a week from me and my same-sex attracted brothers the world over. We've seen incremental site growth from week to week and month to month, and lately it's starting to feel like a family in here. I couldn't be more pleased with the last four-plus months. I speak on behalf of all my other brothers when I say thank you for joining us on this strange new journey. With every passing month, it feels less and less strange. Today is special, because it brings to life a vision planted at the start: a new medium to broadcast our stories. The written word is great -- I personally adore blogging -- but sometimes, the written word can only go so far. Here at YOB, we want to share our stories however we...
I'm a Real Boy
I’m a Real Boy
Sometimes I feel like Pinocchio when he proclaims, "I'm a real boy." I need men, so that I might become a man myself.
My Man-Date With a Leader
My Man-Date With A Great Leader
This guy, this leader didn't care about my past, because he saw my potential to become a better Christian, a godly man.
When I'm Not Really Okay
When I’m Not Really Okay
I refuse to tell people when they've hurt me. I lie to people about being okay when I'm not. I live the exact opposite of what I preach.
Learning to Worship God, not Guys
Learning to Worship God, Not Guys
I got more involved in a small group as others would worship God. There was an amazing sense of community. I knew I was not alone in my Christian life!
Who's in Your Deep Dark Secret Club?
Who’s in Your Deep Dark Secret Club?
Back when I was blogging anonymously about same-sex attraction and other struggles, I coined my own term: my Deep Dark Secret Club. They knew everything.
I've Always Wanted a Big Brother
I’ve Always Wanted a Big Brother
My whole life I've wanted the love of a big brother. I've always wanted to press into someone bigger than me, someone stronger, someone wiser. A big brother to hold me, a big brother to comfort me, a big brother to tell me everything will be okay because he's right there and he's not going to let me go.
When Masculine Superheroes Hug
When Masculine Superheroes Hug
I like hugs personally. I think they're great, and I like that hugging differentiates friendships from acquaintances. When I first saw this hugging moment on the show, I immediately felt awkward with Barry. I might have held my breath to see what he was going to do.
I Don’t Want More Same-Sex Attracted Friends
I'd had enough of life with only these types of strong male friendships while the other types of male friendships went severely lacking. Couldn't I just have "normal" heterosexual guy friends?