
Happiness for My New Friend Before He Moves Away
Happiness for My New Friend Before He Moves Away
I'm always thankful for God leading my friends closer to Him; sometimes, though, I wish that didn't mean actually moving them.
I Am an Unlovable Vampire
I Am an Unlovable Vampire
The shame over my SSA made me feel that I was something evil, repulsive, and unlovable. My loneliness and lack of friends seemed to prove it.
Finding Confidence Through Friendship
Finding Confidence Through Friendship
Knowing I'm still loved and accepted when I bare the deepest parts of me has meant so much. Through these friendships, I've grown more confident in myself.
How to Handle Male Rejection
How to Handle Male Rejection
I've talked to a lot of people about this rejection and they've all said they don't quite understand the rejection and couldn't see anything I'd done wrong.
When I Discovered the Korean Spa
When I Discovered the Korean Spa
The other guys told me about the Korean spa and how those experiences helped them. This sounded like something right down my alley.
My Church Supports My True Calling
My Church Supports My True Calling
"We want you to help us reach LGBT people," my pastor said. "It's our belief that this is your true calling. And we want to help you."
Real Men Mow Their Own Lawns
Real Men Mow Their Own Lawns
I realized something while mowing my lawn: I was the only one pitying myself. The only person doubting my masculinity was me.
Finding Freedom on Father's Day
Finding Freedom on Father’s Day
My father's Father's Day text message sat on my phone the entire time, still waiting to be read. A message that could potentially ruin my Father's Day.
Replacing My Best Friend
Replacing My Best Friend
As I reflect on this new friendship, I begin to overanalyze. Have I replaced one best friend with another?
Growing Up as a Pastor's Kid with SSA
Growing Up as a Pastor’s Kid with SSA
Growing up as a pastor's kid, I hid my homosexuality because I didn't want my father or my family to know that I was a "mistake."