
YOB ConvoCast 002: Tom & Marshall Go to Seattle!
Tom welcomes back OG YOB author, Marshall, for a catchup on his life these last few months living on a farm with over a dozen people. They also chit-chat about Seattle and the splendor of Mt. Rainier, as well as the importance of community, now more than ever, during this coronavirus era.
YOB ConvoCast 001: Tom & Nate and the Mousey Elephant!
Tom kicks off this new semi-daily spinoff podcast with former YOBcast guest, Nate! We talk how coronavirus is affecting us, including the breaking down of our to-do lists and routines as God continues to move. Tom also shows Nate his recent driveway chalk art for some artistic critique, and we barely get into discussing "Tiger King."
Deciding to Love Others More Affectionately
Deciding to Love Others More Affectionately
In the year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen, a fun idea came to mind. Instead of coming up with a new year's resolution that would require me to exert some striving effort or discipline, I thought of a fun goal for the year instead. I wrote something in my prayer journal; it's a prayer that became my goal for the year. But what did "To love more affectionately and not robotically" actually mean?
YOBcast 056: Pornography
Do we talk about pornography too much as the Church or not nearly enough? Do we "talk about talking about" pornography or do we actually talk about it? Pornography is more accessible than ever before and, increasingly, more aggressive. It's a struggle and an addiction that has reached and claimed all people: gay, straight, men, and women. Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob as we take a deep dive into the science and story of pornography. It's one of our classic episodes that we're reopening in a new way.
Coming Out and Confessing to My Pastor
Coming Out and Confessing to My Pastor
He was sitting there waiting for me, like usual. My pastor asked if I was okay, though he knew I wasn't. He could tell I was an emotional wreck, that I needed to get some stuff off my chest. I felt numb, this deep despair inside me, like all my energy had escaped me. I only had enough to meet with him on this particular day.
I'm Just Not That Into Physical Touch Anymore
I’m Just Not That Into Physical Touch Anymore
I actually find myself decreasingly needing — or even desiring — touch with other men. It's not completely gone, mind you. But the need/desire is considerably less. This is a fairly new development. I'm still unpacking the reasons, but I have some theories based on how my male friendships have transpired the last decade — many of them imploding.
Readying Myself for Coming Out to My Mom and Dad
Readying Myself for Coming Out to My Mom and Dad
After about a year, the little gay boi in the closet started knocking again and wanted to come out. The desire to be known started to germinate from that dark, cold, humid corner. The next person placed on my heart to tell was my mom. From my point of view, we weren't that close and I didn't feel very loved. Coming out to my mom was probably the hardest coming out I had to do.
Befriending Straight Guys: The Final Frontier
Befriending Straight Guys: The Final Frontier
Ah, straight guys — also known as "the normal ones." What a load of complicated feelings I have toward them. I see straight guys now and again in groups together. It evokes more of an emotional longing. A deeply profound longing. It's a feeling of wanting to be like them, to be one of them. To be normal and accepted by ordinary men and be like ordinary men. But it can't be that way. I'm different.
What Attracts Me to Other Guys
What Attracts Me to Other Guys
My attraction for men tilts more toward the emotional and physical rather than anything sexual, and I've been wired this way my whole life. So, what does it mean to be physically but not sexually attracted to other men? It's a question I get a lot, a distinction worth clarifying.
Called Out by My Best Friend
Called Out by My Best Friend
We hadn't seen each other in a while, so we caught up on each other's lives. Then came the confrontation. The tone changed, and he wanted to get some stuff off his chest. He told me he didn't appreciate my butting in on their relationship and trying to save our friendship. That if he had to choose between our friendship or his girlfriend, he'd choose her.