
We Need to Get Over Same-Sex Attraction Already
We Need to Get Over Same-Sex Attraction Already
Same-sex attraction is not the only thing. It's not the only struggle. And I can't tell you the freedom I experienced when I realized homosexuality was actually not even close to the top of my human struggle pyramid.
How My Porn Addiction Began
How My Porn Addiction Began
What started that night was three years of an unchecked porn addiction. I never felt guilty. I don't know why. Perhaps because I felt like I wasn't hurting anyone?
Sharing My Testimony and Finding Healing
Sharing My Testimony and Finding Healing
I think it's ironic, but I really believe our stories may be better received by unbelievers than some churches. Fortunately, my story is different. Most people have patiently heard me out and graciously extended loving support.
Starting My Teenage Double Life
Starting My Teenage Double Life
As my childhood entered a big transition phase, I started dealing with it through unhealthy self-reliance. This created a sort of double life.
Fully Known and Fully Loved
Fully Known and Fully Loved
God has promised to never leave me or forsake me. He promised that my hope in Him will never put me to shame. I am fully known and fully loved.
I Only Watch Soft-Core Pornography
I Only Watch Soft-Core Pornography
I never sought out pornography; it found me. With technology these days, it was practically inevitable. It all started with soft-core pornography.
When I Discovered the Korean Spa
When I Discovered the Korean Spa
The other guys told me about the Korean spa and how those experiences helped them. This sounded like something right down my alley.
Losing the Greatest Community of My Life
Losing the Greatest Community of My Life
It was an SSA guy’s dream, being close friends with ten straight guys. We had our ups and downs, but our community shared a deep intimacy.
Discovering the Heart of My Nudist Desires
Discovering the Heart of My Nudist Desires
My nudist desires have never been entirely sexual. I've long known that it comes from a deep desire for intimacy. To be known fully as a man by other men.
5 Things I Do to Stay Sexually Sober
5 Things I Do to Stay Sexually Sober
I've been sexually sober for over 100 days now — not a lick of masturbation, pornography, or promiscuity — and I get a lot of questions like HOW I DO IT.