
How I Was Hurt By My Church
How I Was Hurt By My Church
I love attending my church and uphold them to the highest regard. Unfortunately, I was hurt by my church -- and this is my story.
What's Coming Soon to YOB
What’s Coming Soon to YOB
At last year's retreat, we talked about recreating our old blogs; this summer, we marveled over all God has done in this storytelling community.
5 Things I Do to Stay Sexually Sober
5 Things I Do to Stay Sexually Sober
I've been sexually sober for over 100 days now — not a lick of masturbation, pornography, or promiscuity — and I get a lot of questions like HOW I DO IT.
100 Days of Sexual Sobriety
100 Days of Sexual Sobriety
100 days later, my sexual sobriety still very much feels like a fantastical concept. But it’s easier now, I guess.
Will She Still Marry Me?
Will She Still Marry me?
Before I could even think to ask my girlfriend to marry me, I was absolutely sure of another thing: I needed to confess to her that I was attracted to guys.
He Doesn't Want to be My Friend Anymore
He Doesn’t Want to be My Friend Anymore
He decided he didn't want to be my friend anymore. I'm not entirely sure who was more to blame, and this not knowing still plagues me.
Being There for the Straight Guy
Being There for the Straight Guy
I spent a lot of time hugging him and encouraging him as he recovered. It felt so good to be a blessing to my straight guy friend in his time of need.
Can I Really Never Masturbate Again?
Can I Really Never Masturbate Again?
I am in recovery. And like the alcoholic with a beer or a drug addict with a joint, I cannot expect to masturbate every now and then and beat this addiction.
YOB in the Flesh
YOB in the Flesh
Today marks the 100th post in the life of Your Other Brothers! And what a ride through the blogosphere it's been these last five months.
Joy After Gay Sex
Joy After Gay Sex
I told my best friend that I had literally just come from gay sex in another man's bed. I'd found him on the Internet, then regretted it. I needed support.