
Jesus Loves Homosexuals
Jesus Loves Homosexuals
Jesus Loves Homosexuals affects us all differently, but I hold this subject dear to my heart because I'm gay, or I struggle with same-sex attractions.
Why I'm Afraid to Take Off My Shirt
Why I’m Afraid to Take Off My Shirt
Somewhere around seventh grade, I told my family I hated swimming. The real reason was just too silly and shameful. I hated having to take off my shirt.
Please, Don't Pity My Story
Please, Don’t Pity My Story
Don't ever pity me or my story. I WANT to do this! I'm always excited to write something new for you guys, even if it's one of the uglier parts of my life.
When I'm Not Really Okay
When I’m Not Really Okay
I refuse to tell people when they've hurt me. I lie to people about being okay when I'm not. I live the exact opposite of what I preach.
Who's in Your Deep Dark Secret Club?
Who’s in Your Deep Dark Secret Club?
Back when I was blogging anonymously about same-sex attraction and other struggles, I coined my own term: my Deep Dark Secret Club. They knew everything.
Will I Ever Not Be Afraid to Share?
Will I Ever Not Be Afraid to Share?
I wonder: Will I ever reach a point where I am no longer afraid of someone's reaction to my struggle with same-sex attraction?
Guys' Night!
Guys’ Night!
Since my college-age Bible study ended last year, the guys in my small group decided to do something different one Thursday night — a Guys' Night.
Goodbye, Old Friend…
Goodbye, Old Friend…
Because of this small step, I would be able to be more open to other people in the future, telling them about my struggle with my sexuality.
My Best Friend for Never
My Best Friend For Never
Looking back, I still wonder: what happened that caused John to go from "best friend" to "somebody that I used to know"? It seemed instantaneous.
Torn Between Two Beckonings
Torn Between Two Beckonings
Without the past, we have no future. We either let the past keep us in chains, or the past props us up, prods us forward, pushes us to greater heights.