Even The Sparrow Finds A Home
Frequently Asked Questions
Let’s just say we’ve gotten some questions over the years. Here are the most commonly asked ones!
Currently each of our site authors experiences some degree of same-sex attraction, and some additionally experience opposite-sex attraction. Occasionally we feature podcast guests and cohosts who are exclusively opposite-sex attracted.
We are a multi-denominational community, our authors hailing from diverse faith traditions. As a core unifier, we align with the Apostles' Creed.
Each of our authors is free to identify however he wishes. There are pros and cons to any label; thus, we will use the terms "gay" and "SSA" interchangeably on this site. You may disagree with an author's preferred identifier, but we share a common belief on God's design for sex and marriage.
It's a lot to condense here, but essentially "Side A" folks are Jesus-followers attracted to the same sex and holding an affirming view of same-sex sexual relationships, while "Side B" folks are also Jesus-followers attracted to the same sex while holding a traditional sexual ethic. Most folks in YOB identify as "Side B" opposed to "Side A," though there are other "sides" or identifiers that others here may feel are more closely aligning.
We never chose to be attracted to the same sex, though we do recognize our ownership in how we respond, just as all people of all sexualities must do. We do not believe homosexual attraction or temptation is sinful, believing God's design for sex to be enjoyed within male-female marriage.
We don’t hate gay people (many of us identify as gay!), and we’re not here to judge anyone outside our community. We’re not here to protest or blast affirming interpretations of Scripture, though we may disagree. We're just here to tell our stories and provide refuge for anyone else navigating a traditional belief on marriage and sexuality, however they identify.
Kinda. As Christ followers, we believe in the call to lay down our lives for Christ as He did for us — all of ourselves, our sexual identities included (Galatians 2:20). Though far from popular with the culture, we deny ourselves in one way and embrace what we believe to be a better way with a better story — His way, His story. Following Jesus was never promised to be easy (John 16:33), but we've taken heart and grown emboldened by finding fellow brothers (and sisters) on this journey. You could say we'd have never found ourselves without first denying ourselves.
Our editor, Tom, publishes all of our content with our blog, podcast, and videos. We also have a leadership team of original cofounders and other men who have invested into our content and community over the years.
We receive an abundance of requests to participate in our blog. We may soon establish a guest post form on our site, but as of now we cannot accept outside inquiries or submissions. We do, however, encourage participation in the comments!
YOB moderates all comments from new visitors, so it may just take a day or so for your comment to show up. Once you're established as a regular civil commenter, your comments will be approved automatically. Anyone may comment on our site, regardless of beliefs, provided that comments are respectful. YOB will not accept comments with profanity or attacks on community members. Disagreements will surely arise but are acceptable with civil discourse. Any sexually suggestive, explicit, or otherwise triggering comments will also not be accepted. Feel welcome to share vulnerably but wisely, not naming any particular apps, websites, specific types of pornography, etc. If you think your comment might go “too far,” it’s probably best not to post it. YOB reserves the right to edit or delete any comment, and if necessary, blacklist repeated offenders from further commenting.
YOB holds no ownership over our authors' blogs. If anyone chooses to leave YOB as an author, he maintains ownership over his posts. The removal of our first 39 podcasts is explained on episode 49 of the YOBcast: "Letting Go."
We are not a non-profit and have no immediate plans to form one.
The best way to support YOB is by praying for us! We truly value your prayers for the ongoing growth and strength of our community. If you're able and want to give, you may financially support YOB monthly via our Patreon page. If you'd like to contribute a one-time gift, shoot Tom an email at tom@yourotherbrothers.com.
We use our Patreon funds firstly to cover site costs like domains and hosting, as well as to purchase additional audio/film equipment and software as needed. Our editor, Tom, now works full-time for YOB and is compensated for time invested in post-editing, photo-editing, site maintenance, podcast productions, video productions, and community-building via our Facebook group, Discord server, weekly Zoom calls, and annual retreats.
As a special thank you for our financial supporters, we shoot to hold annual retreats just for them. If you'd like to support YOB, check out our Patreon page for more information.
Currently we do not organize local support groups, although our growing Patreon community has organically connected with one another in various pockets of America and even abroad.
You can email our leadership team: contact@yourotherbrothers.com. Or email any of our authors individually. We'd love to hear from you! For further connection, feel welcome to comment on our site as you feel comfortable, or check out our Patreon page for more connection opportunities like a secret Facebook group, private Discord server, bimonthly Zoom calls, monthly book clubs, and more.