We generally blog weekly. Check back regularly for new posts, or dive into our archive! Commenting is always lovely.

The Story of my Rape as an 8-Year-Old Boy
The Story of my Rape as an 8-Year-Old Boy
I want to talk about rape – specifically, my childhood rape. I want to tell this difficult story for two reasons: healing for myself, and more importantly healing for anyone else reading. Please read at your own discretion.
“Close”: A Movie About Affectionate Friendship Between Boys
“Close”: A Movie About Affectionate Friendship Between Boys
As a guy who has long bemoaned the stigmatization of close male friendships in American culture, advocating for more awareness of their necessity, you best believe I was stoked to hear about the 2022 movie, "Close." After watching the trailer, I was instantly sold. Two boys are shown to be close friends, even physically affectionate with one another to the point that their classmates assume them to be gay.
A YOB Content Update for 2025: We Need Storytellers
A YOB Content Update for 2025: We Need Storytellers
Do you feel any pull to share your story? I hope you'll prayerfully consider joining the YOB content team in 2025. We need more storytellers.
A Rumor of Masculinity at My First YOBBERS Retreat
A Rumor of Masculinity at My First YOBBERS Retreat
It would be easy to write a few paragraphs about how virtuous all these wonderful men were; how they showed me the (gender-neutral) love of Jesus; how bravely they pursued vulnerability with one another. But I want to do something stupider. I want to write about a vibe, an aesthetic, a rumor of masculinity which I seemed to detect at my first YOBBERS Retreat.
A Place to Just Be at the YOBBERS Retreat
A Place to Just Be at the YOBBERS Retreat
It's easier to remain in the cage even when you can leave, because it's familiar. It's normal. It's hard to ask others for help. It's hard to Alone. In your own skin.
Affirmations for All at This Year's YOBBERS Retreat
Affirmations for All at This Year’s YOBBERS Retreat
So much of YOB life (and, indeed, Side B life in general) is in the unofficial "meetings"; by this, I mean all the conversations to/from retreats and conferences. It's in the downtime chats and interactions that spontaneously happen. This was driven home especially this year as I wrote and read affirmation notes to and from my fellow YOBBERS, a new component of this year's retreat. Small things can be so impactful.
The Search for Masculine Belonging at My Second YOBBERS Retreat
My time leading up to this year's YOBBERS Retreat came with mixed emotions. I knew a few familiar YOBBERS wouldn't be returning, but I also knew I'd recognize many other guys attending. Anxiety lingered. Had I really built the kind of connections that would help me feel at home this year?
My Struggle to be Around Brothers at this Year's YOBBERS Retreat
My Struggle to be Around Brothers at this Year’s YOBBERS Retreat
I found myself constantly dealing with doubt, low self-esteem, loneliness, and feeling unloved. As I sat there looking around, I saw so many guys, including the newbies, hanging out with one another, playing games, laughing, and hugging. I felt like I was being avoided because of my stuttering.
"At Home?" at This Year's YOBBERS Retreat
“At Home?” at This Year’s YOBBERS Retreat
I continually wrestle with this dynamic in leadership of Your Other Brothers: where do I keep proper distance in the name of boundaries and self-care, and where do I let someone else enter my birdcage? Can I do both well? Can I lead and participate well?