
For decades I ran away from God and the Bible. There was so much anger, confusion, and rejection from the Church and Christians when I reached out for help regarding my sexuality. After 40 years as a Christian, I've come to realize it's time to stop running and surrender to the things God wants for me. My blogs will show honesty, transparency, vulnerability, and my continued pursuit of the Father. I hope they are a blessing to you.
My Struggle to be Around Brothers at this Year's YOBBERS Retreat
My Struggle to be Around Brothers at this Year’s YOBBERS Retreat
I found myself constantly dealing with doubt, low self-esteem, loneliness, and feeling unloved. As I sat there looking around, I saw so many guys, including the newbies, hanging out with one another, playing games, laughing, and hugging. I felt like I was being avoided because of my stuttering.
The Masks We Wear for Others
The Masks We Wear for Others
I understand some people have to portray themselves in certain ways for cultural reasons, or because they don't want to hurt their families. But how many more mornings are we willing to wear this mask around people just to cry into our pillows at night?
Why Do I Have These Sexual Dreams?
Why Do I Have These Sexual Dreams?
I honestly don't know the meaning behind dreams – whether they're because of the subconscious, or for something God wants to tell us, like He did for people in the Bible. Are dreams, in part, resulting from what's happened to us, things that we need to relive, or are they something altogether different?
What I Want from My Perfect Fantasy Guy
What I Want from My Perfect Fantasy Guy
Even if all the sexual stuff with men is wrong in God's eyes, I still just want to be with a man physically from time to time. Is that wrong too? Does God really care if I share my bed with another guy, as long as there's no sex?
How My Mom and Sisters Stress Me Into Illness
How My Mom and Sisters Stress Me Into Illness
I honestly didn't think I'd write anything else about my mom, basically feeling as if I'd said it all the first time around. But turns out I was wrong. I've had some health issues through the years, including six strokes. I had a session with a psychiatrist, telling her how my mom and sisters are the direct cause of my stress, making my catatonic episodes worse each time.
Another Sexual Addiction Begins with Pornography
Another Sexual Addiction Begins with Pornography
I found myself getting sucked into a world of fantasy. Porn was way better than watching some blockbuster: I could still be with guys without actually being with them. After all, I never cared about those guys anyway. It was all about me and getting off. The more I watched porn, the more I was hooked.
To Be in Hiding No Longer
To Be in Hiding No Longer
I was so afraid of what people thought of me that I was willing to hide who I was from family, friends, the world – and to some degree, myself. I was willing to live a life of lies to be accepted. I explained that's just how things were back then. Sadly, some people are still living this way.
How My First 29 Years of Sex Addiction Ends
How My First 29 Years of Sex Addiction Ends
I'd already been with German guys, so I thought it was a good idea see what guys from other countries were like. I figured the chances of ever again being with other guys from that many countries would be slim. The sad part about having sex with all these men was that I never once gave thought to my relationship with God. It was all about me and those European men.
Why I Don't Celebrate Easter
Why I Don’t Celebrate Easter
Like most of you reading I begged, cried, yelled, and tried to "pray the gay away," only to have it all go ignored. For years I thought God ignored me. And if He didn't care about me, why should I acknowledge Him and His Son?
The Beginning of a 29-Year Sexual Denial
The Beginning of a 29-Year Sexual Denial
I had sex for the first time on May 3, 1979. Funny how you always remember your first. It was with my sister's best friend. I was 17; she was 16. Everyone in the neighborhood swore we were already having sex, but we weren't. I really wasn't interested in her or any other girl for that matter; even if I was, I wouldn't have known what to do anyway.