We’re glad you’re here – however you found us, or however providence may have brought you to our story, as we believe He once invited us.

Settle in and turn some pages, or listen to some episodes. We hope you feel at home with our blog and podcast as we navigate these matters of faith, sexuality, and masculinity. Together. Ever and always together.

If you feel so bold, introduce yourself with a comment or an email. We’d love to hear from you! Or lurk a while, feel us out. We love our lurkers. We understand these topics can be heavy and take time to process.

Now and evermore, we hope you discover the truth of your story that’s forever changed our own: You are not alone. Even the sparrow finds a home, the ancient psalmist once said.

The more you explore, perhaps you’ll sense our story forming some of your own? It’s how each of us arrived here one by one, once upon a time. And there’s always room for one more in this ship.

We’d love nothing more than for you to join us in the next chapter of this wild journey.


– Your Other Brothers


Befriending a Missionary after Coming Out to Him
Befriending a Missionary after Coming Out to Him

This missionary gentleman asked if I'd consider participating in a Bible study he'd be leading. After some thought and prayer, I agreed. The first step of joining this group required each participant to share his or her testimony. I knew this upon agreeing to attend, and I had time to prepare. Of course, part of my testimony is being a gay, celibate Christian. I knew I'd have to share this detail; why wouldn't I be completely transparent in my testimony?


YOB ConvoCast 099: Tom & Andy Prep You for Super Bowl Licks!
YOB ConvoCast 099: Tom & Andy Prep You for Super Bowl Licks!

Tom’s brother Andy returns for his annual tradition of prepping us for the big game! We dive into the big storylines of Super Bowl LIX (or, Licks) and give our predictions for this Chiefs v. Eagles rematch of two years ago. We also spend a good portion of the episode talking about non-football things! Such as the hottest players, the Kendrick v. Drake feud, and the sexuality of various snackfoods. Oh, and Taylor Swift makes her second straight appearance on our Super Bowl episode as well.


Support YOB with Our New STORE!
Support YOB with Our New STORE!

After 5+ years, we've finally launched a YOB store! Check out our "You Are Not Alone" diner mug, along with YOB stickers, a magnet, and Tom's first book. With more items to come!
