Erin returns to discuss the development of Your Other Sisters, including our recently held coed Zoom call with Your Other Brothers! We recap our YOB and YOS call, including a critical icebreaker of our favorite condiments. We invite all who are interested in these YOB and YOS developments to join us! Man or woman, shoot us an email to learn more: contact[at]yourotherbrothers[dot]com

For the rest of the episode, we discuss this current season of Lent in these weeks leading up to Easter. We share some of our spiritual upbringings, including our experience with, or without, Lent, as well as with fasting in general. What are our motivations for fasting, and how do we practice fasting in healthy, God-honoring ways? How can we take our relationships with God in this season of Lent and continue growing them on the other side of Easter Sunday?



Are you observing Lent this year, or what is God teaching you in this season before Easter? Have you practiced fasting as a spiritual discipline? What prevents you or guides your motivations in fasting?

About the Author
