First-time guest Andrew joins Tom to discuss Netflix’s Heartstopper! It’s a queer coming-of-age show that many in our YOB community have enjoyed, though its depictions of queer romance could also be distracting for some (nothing sexual in the first two seasons, just lots of same-sex kissing). We discuss what we loved from the characters in romantic pairings to the loyal friendships that ultimately reinforce this show. We devote our remaining time to the show’s lone asexual character as two people in YOB who identify as asexual ourselves. What did we resonate with in this character, and where was the disconnect?



Have you seen Heartstopper? What did you enjoy about the show, or where did you find something lacking? If you also identify with asexuality, what did you make of the show’s take with its asexual character?

About the Author

  • I commented to YOB back in January, 2024 — I think. I didn’t follow up much because I thought it was a dead-end, and I couldn’t find anyone answering my questions.
    I take care of my disabled, very alert 90 year old wife, who is a real gift from God. I am 80, but feel like I’m still in my 40’s. Yesterday was the 81st anniversary of my father’s death, so I was born 5 months later. I’m still looking for a father’s love, closeness and intimacy (not sexual!!)
    Pleasing the LORD is the most important thing in my life, but there are elements in my life I don’t understand. Can somebody get back to me that I can communicate with?

    • Thanks for your comment here, Blest. I don’t see any comments from you in January. Sometimes our comments don’t load properly. We hope to resolve this issue with a new website later this year! Shoot me an email any time: tom [at] yourotherbrothers [dotcom]

      In the meantime, it’s moving to hear your honoring your covenant with your wife. God bless you, brother.

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