tv & movies

“Close”: A Movie About Affectionate Friendship Between Boys
“Close”: A Movie About Affectionate Friendship Between Boys
As a guy who has long bemoaned the stigmatization of close male friendships in American culture, advocating for more awareness of their necessity, you best believe I was stoked to hear about the 2022 movie, "Close." After watching the trailer, I was instantly sold. Two boys are shown to be close friends, even physically affectionate with one another to the point that their classmates assume them to be gay.
A Place to Just Be at the YOBBERS Retreat
A Place to Just Be at the YOBBERS Retreat
It's easier to remain in the cage even when you can leave, because it's familiar. It's normal. It's hard to ask others for help. It's hard to Alone. In your own skin.
YOB ConvoCast 081: Tom & Andrew Review "Heartstopper" and Discuss Asexuality!
YOB ConvoCast 081: Tom & Andrew Review “Heartstopper” and Discuss Asexuality!
First-time guest Andrew joins Tom to discuss Netflix’s "Heartstopper"! It’s a queer coming-of-age show that many in our YOB community have enjoyed, though its depictions of queer romance could also be distracting for some (nothing sexual in the first two seasons, just lots of same-sex kissing). We discuss what we loved from the characters in romantic pairings to the loyal friendships that ultimately reinforce this show. We devote our remaining time to the show’s lone asexual character as two people in YOB who identify as asexual ourselves. What did we resonate with in this character, and where was the disconnect?
Christmastime Cuddling and the Muddling of Touch
Christmastime Cuddling and the Muddling of Touch
How was this past Christmas reinvigorated for me? Well, this song helped clarify the good parts of my sexuality related to human touch, deeply rooted in the natural instinct common to all humans since birth. I was born with a longing to be comforted, to be held, to be swaddled, to be cuddled. As I've aged, those same good touch instincts were partially absorbed by my sexuality, and now they're muddled.
YOB ConvoCast 077: Tom & Dawson Create New Christmas Traditions!
YOB ConvoCast 077: Tom & Dawson Create New Christmas Traditions!
Dawson returns to help Tom celebrate Christmas this year! Dawson shares why he celebrates Christmas in February in addition to December, and Tom tells a Christmas tale of the first man he ever feared. We reference the "Fancy Christmas" recently spent with our YOBBERS community, including someone’s goal to appreciate Jesus’ humanity during what can be a complicated, if not lonely Christmas season.
Am I Masculine Enough? A "Barbie" Reflection
Am I Masculine Enough? A “Barbie” Reflection
This complicated relationship with masculinity has followed me throughout my life, especially as I've gradually come to terms with what it means to be a gay man following Jesus. Even now, I struggle to use the word "man" to describe myself. I can come to terms with the word "gay" or the word "Christian," but "man" doesn't feel like something I am.
YOB ConvoCast 073: Tom & Jesse are KENOUGH, Reviewing "Barbie"!
YOB ConvoCast 073: Tom & Jesse are KENOUGH, Reviewing “Barbie”!
Jesse returns to discuss the summer’s biggest, if not most polarizing box office hit, Barbie! Tom reads off some community feedback from our Discord as we dive into hyperfemininity versus hypermasculinity, individuality versus relationships, and all the funny, moving moments from this film.
The Weird, Enduring Friendship from "The Disaster Artist"
The Weird, Enduring Friendship from “The Disaster Artist”
At first I thought the book would be an interesting "tell-all" about the making of the film, but what I got was a provoking, hilarious, disturbing, and twisted foray into the relationship between Greg and Tommy.
YOB ConvoCast 062: Tom & Adam Ponder Why Queer People Love SURVIVOR!
YOB ConvoCast 062: Tom & Adam Ponder Why Queer People Love SURVIVOR!
Adam returns to discuss another of his (and Tom's) greatest loves: Survivor! We share our origin stories with this beloved reality show that's been airing since 2000. We spend the bulk of the episode pondering why Survivor has attracted a strong LGBTQ following over the years. Why do queer people love the show, and why do queer contestants generally do well on the show? Is survival in the game connected to survival outside the game? To close the episode, Tom and Adam share their favorite players from the first couple episodes of the currently airing season, Survivor 44! We also wonder whether our beloved show will ever feature a Side B queer contestant?
The First Relationship I Didn't Know I Wanted
The First Relationship I Didn’t Know I Wanted
All the other gay films I'd watched were nice, but this was the first gay film I watched and thought: I wish I knew what it was like to be in a relationship. All the other men I've ended up with were only about sex. I didn't care about them or their feelings, much like the son at the beginning of this film. This film brought up feelings I never knew I even had or wanted, for that matter.