your other sisters

A YOB Content Update for 2025: We Need Storytellers
A YOB Content Update for 2025: We Need Storytellers
Do you feel any pull to share your story? I hope you'll prayerfully consider joining the YOB content team in 2025. We need more storytellers.
YOB ConvoCast 083: Tom & Erin Celebrate our First YOB+YOS Zoom and Lean into Lent!
YOB ConvoCast 083: Tom & Erin Celebrate Our First YOB+YOS Zoom and Lean into Lent!
Erin returns to discuss the development of Your Other Sisters, including our recently held coed Zoom call with Your Other Brothers! We also discuss this current season of Lent in these weeks leading up to Easter. We share some of our spiritual upbringings, including our experience with, or without, Lent, as well as with fasting in general. What are our motivations for fasting, and how do we practice fasting in healthy, God-honoring ways? How can we take our relationships with God in this season of Lent and continue growing them on the other side of Easter Sunday?
YOB ConvoCast 059: Tom & Erin Want Your Other Sisters to be a Thing!
YOB ConvoCast 059: Tom & Erin Want Your Other Sisters to be a Thing!
Tom welcomes our first woman to the ConvoCast – an in-studio guest, no less! We’ve been talking with Erin for almost a year now about the prospect of starting a Your Other Sisters community. Today we finally introduce her to our listening audience as we reference her recent blog on YOB’s impact on her life! We also give a shout-out to Matt as the only other fellow indigenous person on this podcast, learn about a significant difference between masculinity and femininity, and discover why Charlotte is SO great.
How Your Other Brothers Has Impacted Me as a Woman
How Your Other Brothers Has Impacted Me as a Woman
After a significantly hurtful breakup, I questioned my own sexuality for the first time, even if for a blip in time before getting back to work. While almost my entire existence as a woman was sexualized, I still had no space to think of myself as a sexual being. I continued to do inner work in other areas and did a spectacular job hiding behind a door I kept closed. I had dinner with a friend one day, and out of nowhere he mentioned something about Your Other Brothers. We had never discussed issues of sexuality together, and regardless of his intention, God was working. He suggested I check out YOB's podcast on the way home, and I did, and I got hooked.