
A Prodigal Welcomed Home at this YOBBERS Retreat
A Prodigal Welcomed Home at this YOBBERS Retreat
I joined Your Other Brothers back in 2017. I experienced the first and second camp retreats in good ole North Carolina, but then I took a break from YOB the next two years. Why? Because I was tired of it.
The Anxiety for Belonging at My First YOBBERS Retreat
The Anxiety for Belonging at My First YOBBERS Retreat
On the one hand, I wanted the opportunity to meet and engage with a community whom I've deeply desired connection, and this retreat would also occur over my fall break; on the other hand, I was deeply anxious and afraid of going and then feeling isolated and alone.
Inviting Jesus into the Messiness After the YOBBERS Retreat
Inviting Jesus into the Messiness After the YOBBERS Retreat
Going into this retreat, your boy was stressed. Stressed just from day-to-day existing. Looking back and evaluating my spiritual condition at the time, I could not slow down long enough to have one simple conversation with God. Long enough for my brain and my heart to catch up to each other.
Finding Rest and True Joy at My First YOBBERS Retreat
Finding Rest and True Joy at My First YOBBERS Retreat
Anticipation was running high. This would be my first retreat since joining the YOB community last year. A poorly timed illness prevented me from attending previously, so my heart was more than ready for a weekend away with my other brothers. And God provided.
Impressions of the YOBBERS Retreat from the Heart of a Mom
Impressions of the YOBBERS Retreat from the Heart of a Mom
As I left, one of these guys thanked me for showing the group what a mother-son relationship should look like. That was definitely food for thought on my long drive home! So many thoughts ran through my head and heart.
Renewing Hope and Forming a Liturgy for Brothers at the YOBBERS Retreat
Renewing Hope and Forming a Liturgy for Brothers at the YOBBERS Retreat
I believe that if I hadn't come to this retreat, I wouldn't have found this perspective shift – especially with my brother's encouragement. Perhaps I did need to have my hope renewed. My time with my brothers that weekend would facilitate this renewal, refocusing our eyes on the source of our hope, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Five Retreats Later and I'm All Stirred Up
Five Retreats Later and I’m Still Figuring This Out
Despite all the incredible people in our online community, I've recognized my need for more men in my city on whom I can depend. This has been a sobering searching process because YOB has become such a pillar of my identity. If I'm no longer close or as intentional with a large lot of our YOB community, who even am I?
YOB ConvoCast 072: Tom Feels Androsexual and Recaps the Series with Erin!
YOB ConvoCast 072: Tom Feels Out “Androsexual” and Recaps the Series with Erin!
We finish our SPANNING THE SPECTRUM sexuality series by learning more of Tom’s story as Erin returns to take over hosting duties! Tom shares a new term he’s still feeling out for himself: androsexual, or an attraction to masculinity. Tom and Erin look back on the previous 9 episodes of this series, giving love to all our wonderful contributors!
YOB ConvoCast 070: Matthew Finally Comes Out as a Plain Old Gay
YOB ConvoCast 070: Matthew Finally Comes Out as a Plain Old Gay
Matthew's been active in the YOB community for years, but why did it take so long for him to share his story publicly? He opens up about his long road of coming out to himself before he could ever come out to other people, referencing his Enneagram Three shame with authenticity and difficult emotions. He talks about taking metaphorical trips to the desert to lament his dreams of marriage, family, ministry, purpose, and influence, and he also beams about his sexuality's blessings, including a moment leading worship at his first YOBBERS retreat in 2021.
That Time Another Side B Guy Sexted Me on Facebook Messenger
You know, after fifteen years of blogging about gay things and masculine things and all the other intermingled, messy faith things, I often feel like I've run out of stories to tell here. Gay kisses, wet dreams, fetishes – what on earth is there left to say?? Ah, but then I wake up one day and suddenly remember that time another "Side B" guy from a Facebook group asked if he could do something to my genitals. Ah, yes – a new story to tell. Glory be.