June is widely recognized as LGBT+ Pride Month. How do we as Jesus-followers engage with Pride Month – or is it even ours to engage with? How do we participate or spectate this month as gay/SSA believers with a traditional sexual ethic? Is there a place for us at this table and a space for us to be proud?

Join Tom, Ryan, and Aaron for a discussion on Pride Month. Have we ever been to Pride, or would we ever go to Pride? And what would be our motivations for doing so?

Enjoy the episode, and don’t forget to comment below!


Our collaborative blog from 2018: “Can Christians Celebrate Pride Month?”

A response to our blog: “A Note to Churches During Pride: If You’re Not LGBTQ-Affirming, Keep Your Water”


What objections from fellow believers have you faced with regard to your sexuality? How have you handled these objections, or do you still struggle to overcome them?

About the Author

  • When my son died, I was barred from my own child’s funeral by armed guards in the church because they learned I was gay. They assumed you can’t be a Christian and gay.

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