
Why I Almost Left YOB
Why I Almost Left YOB
When YOB started, I was a regular. I was posting pretty much every week. I was reliable. Dependable. Always ready to share. And then I almost left it all.
Why I Used to Hate Sports
Why I Used to Hate Sports
I love sports and competition. I love the push, the struggle, the fight toward victory. I love how my chest burns when I'm on the brink of exhaustion.
Things I'm Learning While Living With Another Guy
Things I’m Learning While Living With Another Guy
I bought a house. I'm officially living IN the city! I've had a roommate since day one. He's a great friend and brother in Christ.
6 Reasons You Need a Community
6 Reasons You Need a Community
I pondered this question: why is it important to be in a community? While being part of a small group, I picked up 6 reasons why you need a community.
Why I Need a Community
Why I Need a Community
That's why you need a community. Whatever hurt you experience, you have people who can carry you on your path to recovery.
My Church Accepts Me
My Church Accepts Me
My church has accepted me for who I am and who God is making me into. And they are willing to walk with me down this road, whatever it looks like.
Marginalized by the Church
Marginalized by the Church
I was glad I had not abandoned my friend when he strayed, and I was determined to keep being the right kind of friend for him.
Losing My Sexual Sobriety
Losing My Sexual Sobriety
I lost my sexual sobriety because I went in search of shortcuts to intimacy with other men. I knew it wouldn't satisfy. Just like all the other times.
The Day I Left my Church
The Day I Left My Church
I did my best not to break down, but I could feel the tears falling down my face. I sucked it up, took a deep breath, and walked out of the church.
On Being Banned from Youth Ministry
Banned from Youth Ministry
I was told I couldn't serve in various areas of ministry, including the youth ministry and being around the younger children at the church.