
Hey y'all! Just an SSA, full-blooded Native American, ESTJ, Enneagram 8 here. I'm a very blunt person but know when people can't handle the whole truth. My job here is to tell you guys my story which is set up like a typical coffee shop, one-on-one talk. I'm here to challenge the way you think and encourage you spiritually. Hope you guys are ready!
YOB ConvoCast 088: Matt Has Always Lived with Family while Closeted with Them
YOB ConvoCast 088: Matt Has Always Lived with Family while Closeted with Them
Matt returns to discuss his home life: always living with his family even as he enters his late thirties! He explains the importance of family within his Navajo culture, sharing why he enjoys regularly going home to the reservation after moving away from it. But Matt also shares why he doesn’t disclose anything about his sexuality with his conservative family. Despite this withholding, Matt feels at home with his churches and friends, particularly his male friends, claiming he’s never felt more masculine and comfortable in his body than he does now. Will he always live with family, or does he aspire for another living situation in the future?
YOB ConvoCast 075: Tom & Matt are Making "Side A" Friends!
YOB ConvoCast 075: Tom & Matt are Making “Side A” Friends!
Matt returns to share how he celebrates Thanksgiving with his Navajo family and helps us commemorate Native American Heritage Month. Matt and Tom also discuss the topic of "Side A" friendship -- that is, friendships with gay believers with an affirming theology. Matt mentions a new Side A friend he's made, and Tom discusses his own recent experience with a Side A person, comparing it with a stilted interaction from over a decade ago.
YOB ConvoCast 063: Matt is Gay and Christian, But Not a Gay Christian
YOB ConvoCast 063: Matt is Gay and Christian, But Not a Gay Christian
We kick off a new summer ConvoCast series exploring the diverse sexual identifications within our YOB community. We start with Matt who identifies as gay and Christian, but not those two identities together. He tells of his journey from "SSA" to gay and how he recently experienced feelings for a girl for the first time in his life. He shares about going to a source outside the Church to learn whether his sexual identification is as rigid as it seems.
So, I Told a Girl I Like Her
So, I Told a Girl I Like Her
She had recently broken up with her boyfriend, and she was about to move for a job opportunity in a couple of weeks. We were good friends, and we'd hung out a few times, both by ourselves and within groups. But there was just never a good time to talk about how I felt about her. If I didn't get to talk to her this morning, then I might never have another chance!
Asking My Bros for Advice About Girls
Asking My Bros for Advice About Girls
I was almost done with my turn of thorns and roses, and I remembered wanting to tell them I liked a girl. I just blurted it out: "So, I like this girl, and I think she's pretty awesome!" All of the guys were a bit shocked and surprised to hear that come out of my mouth.
Coming Out and Confessing to My Pastor
Coming Out and Confessing to My Pastor
He was sitting there waiting for me, like usual. My pastor asked if I was okay, though he knew I wasn't. He could tell I was an emotional wreck, that I needed to get some stuff off my chest. I felt numb, this deep despair inside me, like all my energy had escaped me. I only had enough to meet with him on this particular day.
I Just Wanna Go Home
I Just Wanna Go Home
I couldn't go back through this whole crap again! I couldn't go back to being worried every single minute over how to pay for my apartment. I couldn't go back to not eating for a day or two. I couldn't go back to being tempted to selling myself to the first "generous" guy that came my way. I felt the heavy weight again, and I felt like a total loser.
Called Out by My Best Friend
Called Out by My Best Friend
We hadn't seen each other in a while, so we caught up on each other's lives. Then came the confrontation. The tone changed, and he wanted to get some stuff off his chest. He told me he didn't appreciate my butting in on their relationship and trying to save our friendship. That if he had to choose between our friendship or his girlfriend, he'd choose her.
How My Best Friend's Relationship Affects Me
How My Best Friend’s Relationship Affects Me
One day, we finally grabbed lunch together, and I just poured out my heart to my best friend. I pleaded for him to take his relationship slowly and not to forget about me. While saying that, something just clicked in my brain. I started tearing up; right then and there, I asked my best friend to forgive me for being a jerk.
I Like a Girl?
I Like a Girl?
As I drove down the base of the mountain after listening to a sermon and enjoying some prayer, the thought once more popped into my head: "You like Annie!" I wanted to swipe away the thought again, but this time I actually considered it. Maybe I could like a girl?