physical touch

Let's Talk About Bro Cuddling
Let’s Talk About Bro Cuddling
Most of these cuddling experiences transcend the physical and begin to feel more spiritual. We aren’t just touching bodies; we’re touching souls.
I Want My Pastor to Touch Me
I felt comforted. Assured. Confident. My pastor's hand on my shoulder gave me a shot of strength.
The First Guy Who Ever Tried to Kiss Me
The First Guy Who Ever Tried to Kiss Me
I've written before about having never been kissed. But that doesn't mean someone's never tried to kiss me.
When Should I Hug Another Guy?
When Should I Hug Another Guy?
Not all guys feel comfortable hugging another guy. So, when should I hug another guy, a male friend? The answer is different for each friend!
The First Guy Who Ever Held My Hand
The First Guy Who Ever Held My Hand
He reached for my hand and held it. It was the first time another guy had ever held my hand. His boldness caught me off-guard, and his touch sent energy rushes all over. I'd never felt this before: holding hands with another man. In public, no less.
Things I'm Learning While Living With Another Guy
Things I’m Learning While Living With Another Guy
I bought a house. I'm officially living IN the city! I've had a roommate since day one. He's a great friend and brother in Christ.
Losing My Sexual Sobriety
Losing My Sexual Sobriety
I lost my sexual sobriety because I went in search of shortcuts to intimacy with other men. I knew it wouldn't satisfy. Just like all the other times.
He Doesn't Want to be My Friend Anymore
He Doesn’t Want to be My Friend Anymore
He decided he didn't want to be my friend anymore. I'm not entirely sure who was more to blame, and this not knowing still plagues me.
How to Tell a Guy You Love Him
How to Tell a Guy You Love Him
It just seems we forget to say it or are embarrassed to say it or maybe sometimes I'm just not "man enough" to say it: I love you.
How I Failed My Gay Brother: Part 5, Letting Go
How I Failed My Gay Brother: Letting Go
My gay brother had been burned. What started as seemingly harmless sexual experiments ended as an out-of-control obsession that literally killed my brother.