We’re talking about “the talk”! You know, “The Birds and the Bees” (whatever that even means). Join Tom, Ryan, and Jacob for a trip down memory lane as we recount our memories (or lacks thereof) involving the sex talk with our parents, along with sex education at our schools.

How many folks do, in fact, actually receive the sex talk as a kid? Our very scientific poll results from our secret YOBBERS group may surprise you.

We also zoom out for a broader view of sex: how did our family upbringing and culture surrounding sex affect our thoughts and feelings on sex today? And what do we think of God’s creating of sex?

We hope you enjoy our latest episode below: THE SEX TALK.

Because we received such a positive response from our new short-form podcast, the YOB ConvoCast, we’ve launched a goal on Patreon: let’s hit 200 patrons, and we’ll produce two ConvoCasts every month! That means that along with two YOBcasts each month, we’ll either produce a short-form and a long-form podcast for your listening consumption every single week.

YOB still exists after all these years thanks to our 185+ faithful patrons on Patreon. If you find value in this podcast and the greater community of Your Other Brothers, would you consider pledging monthly to our cause? Just $5/month grants you access to our secret Facebook group and our monthly bonus podcast, The YOBaLOGUE — full of bloopers, tangents, and even some serious content cut from each public episode.

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Enjoy our SEX TALK episode! And don’t forget to comment below. We’d love to hear from you. We’re with you.

Did you receive the sex talk as a kid? Did your family upbringing and culture surrounding sex affect your thoughts, feelings, and actions toward sex as an adult? Tell us a story, if you’d be so bold.



About the Author

  • Tom,
    Thank you for the benediction in the final minutes — it really struck me, especially as i’ve been struggling with quarantine being physically alone more so than normal, which I think has left me a bit more sex crazed. But your words remind us that we are made for connection with God and others. Great discussion. Also, I ended up looking up the underwear recommendations just because of the discussion at the top and keep getting ads on social media. I think I do need an episode on that just to tell me what to get!

    • You’re so welcome for this episode’s benny, Emmanuel. Means a lot to hear it received well. You’re certainly not alone in that “sex-crazed” feeling during this whole pandemic.
      Also, I’m so so sorry about all the underwear ads you will inevitably get now. Thanks, Internet!

  • Thank you for this podcast! Growing up in a very formal home, we were all very private people and no one ever shared much about what was going on in their lives. For example, my dad was a POW and held in a hostile country until being liberated. But, he never talked about his experiences, and i never really knew what he went through.
    My father was a very talented man, and could fix anything, build about anything and had a green thumb in which a garden seemed to thrive under his work. I had none of those skills and sadly, he wasn’t too patient in trying to teach me.
    I say all of that, because my parents never once even told us anything about sex. As I became a teenager, I did not understand why my body was changing and it scared me. But, I had no one to talk through these things and to this day, the ‘residue” of privacy and shame still linger….

  • Such a good and important topic! I have 5 siblings and I am the second youngest so you would think they had practice before me for the talk. Well the oldest said it was the worst conversation of her life, and the second started crying during the talk that no one else got it. My brother and I each got a book about sex, and my parents said that I would get paid a penny per page I read which is a weird incentive. So I read “every young mans battle” at an age that I only knew about sex because my siblings watched friends. So from the book I learned that you must “bounce your eyes” and even today I still am kinda scared to look at women in that area, even though I am not attracted. I don’t think this practice is wrong, but I was at an age I didn’t even know what boobs were, so then I thought I would be a terrible person if I looked at women sexually. So yeah this is a topic I hope future parents really start improving and learning how to deal with, and Dean’s advice I think is a great way to have these discussions. I think having that openness between the child and parents is so important, because I even know today there are certain things in my house we can’t talk about because it would be very uncomfortable.

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