
Coming Out at College
Coming Out at College
College held the hope for a fresh start. Home meant the weight of my double-life: the pain of lying about porn and "everything is okay" all the time; the great friendships that never felt deep or authentic enough for my broken self.
My Jesus Journey Leads Me Here
My Jesus Journey Leads Me Here
Call it a "new direction" or a clearer translation of what YOB has been from the start: a community desperate for Jesus. My 31-year Jesus journey leads me here. Wherever "here" is. Broken on the floor. Echoes of the past ringing in my ears. Doubts for the future always shadowing my vision no matter how many tears I blink away.
When the Masculine Ideal Failed Me
When the Masculine Ideal Failed Me
His profile definitely made him seem like the modern, ideal, "manly man." He was a jock type with many photos of himself playing baseball. He also stated drawing as one of his hobbies, just like me. A straight masculine dude who plays sports, likes drawing, and calls himself a Christian? Perfect!
Where I Fill My Deepest Hunger
Where I Fill My Deepest Hunger
Most of my life, I've thought of faith mainly as a decision based on knowing some facts about God. Instead, faith is about coming to Jesus in such a way that the deepest hungers and thirsts of our souls are satisfied in him.
Coming Out to My Family Like a Hit-and-Run
Coming Out to My Family Like a Hit-and-Run
I would be coming out to my family over dinner. I told them that I wasn't planning on changing the course of my faith. I explained that I was telling them because I planned to tell even more people. I told them that if I wanted to talk about it again I’d be the one to bring it up, and I stood up and left.
My Straight Friend Won't Touch Me
My Straight Friend Won’t Touch Me
He was never physically affectionate; we’d never even hugged. I wanted to touch him not out of a sexual desire but from a longing to connect with him as love with a brother. I dreamed of a day when we could embrace and confess our brotherly love for each other. I put my hand on his shoulder once. He brushed it off.
Cigarettes and the Stress of Same-Sex Attraction
Cigarettes and the Stress of Same-Sex Attraction
As I entered into ministry, I knew my SSA could end it all in one swift move. I hoped that instead of being rejected I would be loved. I hoped that people would notice their prejudice and change once they met me. I spent much time in prayer -- but also smoking.
Fully Known and Fully Loved
Fully Known and Fully Loved
God has promised to never leave me or forsake me. He promised that my hope in Him will never put me to shame. I am fully known and fully loved.
On Being Banned from Youth Ministry
Banned from Youth Ministry
I was told I couldn't serve in various areas of ministry, including the youth ministry and being around the younger children at the church.
How I Was Hurt By My Church
How I Was Hurt By My Church
I love attending my church and uphold them to the highest regard. Unfortunately, I was hurt by my church -- and this is my story.