
It's Okay for Men to Cry
It’s Okay for Men to Cry
Is it okay for men to cry? Jesus did, as we see in the famed Lazarus story of John 11. But what about men in today's culture? In this month's episode, I talk about crying over the death of a dog and the death of a car and how it's okay for men to have a more sensitive side. Even if it's the only side.
Free from Caring for my Elderly Father
Free from Caring for my Elderly Father
My dad believed he needed to leave me free to live my own life. I had certainly been willing to be his full-time caregiver, but now that I knew his wishes, apparently God had other plans for me.
What's a Same-Sex Celibate Partnership?
What’s a Same-Sex Celibate Partnership?
A same-sex celibate partnership is an intimate coupling between two same-sex attracted or gay-identifying individuals. Bonded for life in a way similar to marriage but, of course, minus the sex. I have already seen a few celibate couplings form between guys. I've been mostly watching from a distance, but other times I've contacted those folks to ask questions. Sometimes I view them with a lot of envy.
State of the YOB! October 2018
State of the YOB! October 2018
It's our next installment of State of the YOB! Our monthly roundup of the blogs, podcasts, videos, and all things YOB produced in October. Watch also as Tom struggles to light a candle and the camera battery dies!
Should I Let My Daughter Put Makeup On Me?
Should I Let My Daughter Put Makeup On Me?
I love being a girl-dad. At the end of the day, my wearing some makeup or playing pretend with my daughter will not come to define her conception of gender.
Fighting Masculine Insecurities on Spring Break
Fighting Masculine Insecurities on Spring Break
Just imagining myself joining this group on this trip brought up several anxieties: the fear of sharing, sleeping, and showering among so many other guys. I also had masculine insecurities about cleaning up after Hurricane Katrina along with the ability to share my faith. But God is bigger than my anxieties. And as I'd eventually learn, jumping into the unknown with God tends to be the best option.
Temptation and Triggers and My Worst Birthday Ever
Temptation and Triggers and My Worst Birthday Ever
I knew I needed a miracle even to get out there, and now this triggering text message was stuck in my brain as I got ready. I packed my clothes for the weekend but needed to get some food in my stomach before the semi-long trip.
National Coming Out Month
Recognizing National Coming Out Day
It's October 11, National Coming Out Day. Over the years, countless individuals, young and old, have taken to YouTube, Facebook, the Internet, and face-to-face relationships to finally reveal their sexuality this month. Coming out is a pivotal moment in any gay or SSA (same-sex attracted) person's journey, and we gathered our featured authors together for a conversation on our own coming out experiences this Coming Out Month.
I'm Still Ashamed to Talk About My Sexuality
I’m Still Ashamed to Talk About My Sexuality
Just because I'm "out" doesn't mean I'm always going out of my way to talk about sexuality. Outside my closest friendships, I still don't feel comfortable sharing. I still feel ashamed of my sexuality. Even after all this time. All these stories, written or otherwise.
Singleness in a Silhouette
Singleness in a Silhouette
We finished the day by taking silhouette pictures with the blazing orange-and-pink sky as our backdrop. My siblings lovingly kissed their spouses and lifted them up in the air as some of the most romantic and precious images I'd ever witnessed. I stayed to watch for a little while, knowing that no one would ask me if I wanted any pictures by myself. That would have been absurd, right? It didn't take long for me to reach the end of what I could handle with my family. So, I ran away.