We invite Tom’s younger brother Andy onto the show to learn Tom’s coming out story. Did Andy ever suspect anything about Tom’s sexuality? How can straight brothers best support their gay brothers? And what does Andy think about his big brother doing this whole YOB thing?

Join Tom and Jacob, along with their brothers Andy and Nate, for a brotherly deep-dive like no other. We also have some football talk, because straight guys. We hope you enjoy the episode!


We finally have a store! Head over to our new store page and get the sleek new “You Are Not Alone” diner mug, along with YOB stickers, a YOB magnet, and Tom’s first book.

We also have a new playlist featuring songs embodying our community! Search “Heart of a Brother” by Your Other Brothers on Spotify, and give us a follow as we continue to add new songs to our playlist.

Dive back into the archive and listen to our original coming out to your brother episode with Jacob and Nate.

Check out Andy’s first appearance on the ConvoCast!


You can call us 24/7 at 706.389.8009. We’d be thrilled to hear from you and feature your voicemail on an upcoming episode! Prefer to get in touch privately? Shoot us an email: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com

You can also write to us at:

Your Other Brothers

P.O. Box 843

Asheville, NC 28802


Have you come out to a brother or other siblings? How did those conversations go, and how have they impacted your relationships in the present day? Do you wish to come out to your brother or other siblings some day?

About the Author

  • Yes I love hearing about sibling dynamics! Great episode lots of fun listening to!

    Also for me I have never come out to my siblings. My family doesn’t ever really go deep or intimate, and I think if I did tell them it probably would just never be brought up again and we would all pretend it never happened. I don’t think it would be a huge deal with my siblings, however my one sister is more conservative and I don’t know where she sits on this. She also has three kids and I am really close with them, and it makes me nervous if she would be more hesitant to let me hang out with them.

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